Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Look Out.......

I “retired” several years ago from an 8 – 5 job so that I could devote more time to making. I loved the freedom of not having to answer to someone other than myself. At that time I had not really thought about the direction I wanted to go.  I hadn't develped a plan - no routine - no schedule -  no deadlines. Because there was no plan, no routine, no schedule it was very easy to say "sure, I can do that". I am very quick to “help” when needed at the expense of my own needs and work.  I have come to realize that by doing for others I have not been fair or honest with myself. Now I’m finding that it is very difficult to put my needs before others. My dreams have been put on the back burner because I have allowed others to push them there. The retiring from “work” didn’t happen, I just transferred “work” to a different setting, many times longer hours and of course at a much less pay rate! I am in the process of taking my time back but it is very difficult. It is hard to retrain those around me that have become dependent on me to be there when called. It is also very difficult for me to say “no”. BUT look out world the answer is - No, I can’t right now. Stand back and watch out for what I CAN!